Thursday, October 31, 2019
Moonshine and it's effect on the U.S. economy Term Paper
Moonshine and it's effect on the U.S. economy - Term Paper Example However, this prompted the rise of illegitimate businesses that came in the form of moonshiners, and organized crime. The crime came in the form of criminals willing to transport and distribute alcohol for capital. It was known as moonshining since the brewing of alcohol was done in the night. This paper will review the effect moonshining had on the U.S. economy, and the decline of the business after the repealing of the laws of prohibition. The disruption of normal activities in the local breweries and taverns made it exceedingly difficult for the residents to make a living (Miller 35). The sale of alcoholic beverages that had a percentage of more than 2.5% was illegal. This meant that all the activities being carried out were illegal. This was as the amendment dictated. What this disruption in business created was an economic, and social problem that affected the economy, and people of the nation respectively. In the economy, there was the disruption of the tax revenue. This was the tax revenue that was to be collected through legitimate sales of alcohol and other alcoholic beverages. This caused the economy to fall since the number of companies conducting business went down. This loss meant that the government had to look for alternative sources of revenue, other than that brought in from the brewing companies. This move presented a problem since other local traders suffered the brunt of this law (Caraway 35). The tax increment placed on their goods and services made it hard for them to stay in business for long, and still make profits. The rise in illegitimate business transactions made it hard for tax to be collected as it should. Organized crime came into existence since there needed to be importation and distribution of illegal alcohol. The law of prohibition prevented the sale of alcohol. However, it did not prevent the prevailing rate of illegitimate businesses that would follow
Monday, October 28, 2019
Nursing Practice Act Essay Example for Free
Nursing Practice Act Essay I came to realize just how fare we have come. My article includes information on the scope of practice for the nursing profession. The’re alson many different responsabilities of nurses, and the exams and prcedures they go though to become licensed are something else. There are a lot of things that a person can do to lose their license. The’re are also many avenues you can take in nursing, there are a lot of opertunities to grow. The definition of Nursing Practice is to provide individuals and groups with nursing care requiring specialized knowledge, judgment, and skill derived from the principles of biological, physical, behavioral, social, and nursing sciences. A nurses scope of practice focuses on identifing patterns of human responses to actual or potential health problems amenable to a nursing regimen. They are to execute a nursing regimen through the selection, performance, management, and evaluation of nursing actions, assessing health status, and to provide health counseling and health teaching. The scope of practice includes administering medicatons, treatments, and to execute regimens that are by authorized personal. The scope of practice also includes teaching, administering , supervising, delegating, and evaluating nursing practice. The standards related to the RN’s responsibilities in implementing the nursing process and as a member of the nursing profession is to be knowledgable in your work, always use the best possible route, and always make informed decisions. An advanced practice nurse is a registered nurse who has been certified under a certain chapter to practice in a certain field, by the board of nursing. They have certified registered nurse anesthetist, clinical nurse specialist, certified nurse- midwife, and certified nurse practitioner. Nurse practitioners have to also obtain prescriptive authority, which grants them the authority to prescribe medication. The nursing licensure requirements for a new graduate is first to send in an application for the licensure. The application has to include evidence that the applicant has completed requirements of a nursing education program approved by the board or approved by another jurisdiction’s board that regulates nurse licensure. The application will also include information requied by the board. There will be an application fee required by section 4723. 08 of the revised code. You also have to pass a background check that was brought into effect after June 1, 2003. The board of nursing may revoke, suspend or refuse to grant a nursing license, if a person is found by the board to have committed fruad in passing an examination required to obtain the license. A nurse can also have there license suspended or revoked if caught selling, giving away, or administering drugs or therapeutic devices for other than legal and legitimate therapeutic purposes. To renew a license that was issued for a two-year renewal period you have to have 24 hours of continuing nursing education. At least one hour of the education must be directly related to the statutes and rules pertainig to the practice of nursing in this state. The law and rule that sets the requirements for schools of nursing is section 4723. 07. Section 4723. 07 explains the different precedures and precautions that have to be taught to maintain proper sanitation and cleanliness. Handeling and disposal of needles and other sharp instruments. Wearing and disposal of gloves and other protective garments and devices. All in all the responsibilities of the Ohio state Board of Nursing is to assume and exercise all the powers and perform all the duties required of it by chapter 4723. In the nursing world everything has to go through the Board of nursing and they decide everything by vote. The board of nursing follows specific guidelines that are all mentioned with in the Nursing Practice Act and it is constantly changing. To continue on into advanced practice nursing you have to aquire your masters degree. It is also illegal to call yourself an RN with out being licensed but the board of nursing. The Nursing practice Act is where you want to look to find out what you have to do to get certain licenses and certifications.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
New Zealands Monetary and Fiscal policies
New Zealands Monetary and Fiscal policies (a) (i) Inflation Targeting An inflation targeting is a monetary approach used by government as a strategy to maintain the interest rate at a certain level. This normally involve up to two parties which are a government and a central bank that are responsible in keeping the price within a specific range. They would alter the interest rate in order to achieve favourable level of interest rate to keep away inflation in an economy. In New Zealand, the targeted inflation rate was 1 per cent to 3 per cent as desirable range (Reserved Bank of New Zealand, 2007). However, this policy able to protect the business sectors in New Zealand especially the University education sector. Education was as crucial contributor to increase living standard of New Zealander. The University education sector was not much differ from other sector because it is like a business to offer employment and increase production growth. The goal of Reserved Bank of New Zealand set an inflation rate range of 1 per cent to 3 per cent is to maintain the equilibrium of price and avoid fluctuation (Parliamentary Library, 2002). As the price is stable, it will attract more foreign student to study in New Zealand and the demand of the New Zealand dollars would be increasing since the education system is comparable to world leading education. (a) (ii) Policy Target Agreement Policy Target Agreement is the mutual agreement between the Governor of the Reserved Bank of New Zealand and New Zealand Government. This agreement goal is to keep economy from minimum inflation and maintain the price stability. The Reserved Bank of New Zealand was also responsible in monitoring and measuring the level of prices. There is various way of measuring the inflation and Consumers Price Index (CPI) was one of the measuring tools used in the Policy Targets Agreement (Reserved Bank of New Zealand, 2007). This tool will record the transaction of prices change from buying goods and services by New Zealand household and the percentage of the change will be the CPI inflation. Using this tool, the price of the currency would be under control and services price from University education sector is under supervision of the Reserved Bank of New Zealand. Reserved bank would maintain the inflation rates of 1 per cent to 2 per cent to avoid any inflation occur. The qualities of the New Zealand Education system itself are already famous among education system among the world, if the prices of the education services are low, it will attract more and more foreign student. Such agreement not even beneficial to education system itself but also bringing advantages to economy whereby the education system in New Zealand is comparable and competitive to other countries in term of services price. (a) (iii) Official Cash Rate Official Cash Rate was first introduced by New Zealand government in year 1999, it is the monetary policy used by Reserved Bank to control the inflation rate. Through Official Cash Rate method, the Reserved Bank able to control the short and long term of interest rate as well as the foreign exchange rate. As in Policy Target Agreement (PTA), both government and the Reserved Bank have obligated to meet the 2 per cent of inflation in future. However, the range defines in Policy Target Agreement which was signed during September 2012, should be achieve the price stability between 1 and 3 per cent average per midterm (Reserved Bank of New Zealand, 2007). In future, the Reserved Bank will increase Official Cash Rate if necessary aiming for 2 per cent rate of inflation in future. (a) (iv) The overall impact on the economy and consequently to University education sector In a nutshell, government and the Reserved Bank adopted the monetary policies to control the supply of money, it can be also saying that to manipulate the fluctuation of the interest rate and in the same time balancing the market price. In context of University Education sector, by set up a targeting inflation method through Policy Target Agreement could be beneficial. The University education sector in New Zealand is moving toward to contribute more in growth of economy. As the University education sector growth is mainly depends on the quality of the education and also the attractive fees rate offered to student. When the Reserved Bank of New Zealand applying the monetary method, the interest rate will be maintaining in a stable range of 1 per cent to 2 per cent to avoid inflation occur (Reserved Bank of New Zealand, 2007). As these price of education is low, it attract foreign student from other countries to enroll into the local university of New Zealand. Such price make the universities of New Zealand a target country for foreign student that providing an A class education system in the same time offering affordable rate of fees. It will influence the demand of New Zealand dollar to be increase in the same time raising the value of the currency. (b) (i) Explain the objectives of government Basically, fiscal policy involves the choice made by government either spending the revenue or collecting the revenue through the tax imposed. It is mainly about how the government and manage its budget in order to stabilize the economy growth. The main concern of fiscal policy is the price stability. In order to maintain the economic growth, a desirable level of price in New Zealand should be achieved because expensive good or services will not be affordable by consumers where this encourages in decrease of the demand level. The price should be remained in a reasonable level of acceptance by consumers to avoid any fall in demand where it discourage business to generate goods and services. High rate of employment is also the main objective of fiscal policy. The high unemployment rate will lower the rate of production and it will influence the level of economic growth to drop. Hence, the government of New Zealand tends to increase the spending such as allocating budget invests in University education sector. The government is rooting for the universities to further expanding New Zealand economic by allocating budget invest in the tertiary education to increase number of graduates with skills required and rate of employment to boost the economy. About $42 million invested for the next 4 years to increase the tuition subsidy to selected courses (Tertiary Education Commission, 2012). Indirectly, it generates more employment by expanding the University education sector because it requires large number of workforce to run the sector. In the other hand, fiscal policy encourage in foreign exchange earnings through exportation of goods or services such as tertiary education. The New Zealand government is enhancing the tertiary education system through Budget 2012 by focusing to improve the educational performance in order to expand this sector (Tertiary Education Commission, 2012). Through the focus given by government, the level of New Zealand education is increased and it attracts quite a number of foreign students from China for approximate 25,345 students and an increase of 2% from last year (New Zealand Education, 2014). These numbers prove that the higher number of foreign student the higher income could earns from foreign countries. (b) (ii) Fiscal policy fine-tuning and its limitations Through fiscal policy approach, government able utilizes this tool to adjust the interest rate and control the spending rate in order to boost the economy (Chirantan, 2014). This policy had its own limitation even though using fiscal policies could stabilize the economy. Inflexibility of fiscal policy can be seen during changes in taxes or spending by government. The objective of fine tuning is to minimize the negative implication by apply the right policy at the right time depending on the state of economy during the different level of economy such as contraction or expansion (Pavlina R. Tcherneva, August 2013). A period of lengthy time could be taken when both political and moral reason to be taken as consideration. By boosting the aggregated demand would lower the rate of unemployment may contribute to inflation as the right shift of aggregate demand would cause rise in price. In the other hand, by shifting the aggregate demand to left would contribute to the increase of unemployment when there is inflation would rather cause dilemmas too. The time lag in applying the approach could be one of the limitations of fiscal policy. It may take up a considerable amount of time to implement unlike monetary policy able to influence economy growth rate easily and time saving by adjusting the interest level. Besides, the fiscal policy implementation involves a comprehensive research to make sure of the economy conditions. The state of the economy might be not the same anymore when the policy is finally ready to be implemented. Government might be gathering the wrong and inaccurate information in such a short period of time and hence economy would suffer from deficit or inflation when the prediction went wrong. (c) (i) Budget deficit Budget deficit in an economy is an situation whereby the federal government spends more than it earn in revenues and causes a budget deficit. The reverse situation will generates a budget surplus as the government earns more revenue than spending. Both fiscal and monetary policies share the same goal which is maintaining the economy rate and achieve a steady economy growth. In fiscal policy, government will increase the tax to decrease the spending because when the goods are expensive, the aggregate demand shifted left and would cause the country to run a deficit. Monetary policy would use to control inflation as well as deflation by manipulating the interest rate. Unlike fiscal policy, the monetary policy will not enlarging the national debt by applying the approach to tune the interest rate to stabilize the economy (Expansionary Monetary Policy Does Not Raise the Budget Deficit, 2013). (c) (ii) A Fully Funded Deficit A fully funded deficit occurs when government expenses is fully funded by tax revenue. This is applicable in theory when there market is perfectly healthy in which the economy is in stabilize state. There are few options, government will either issuing bond or security for a time being to fund the economy. Such options will reduce the spending and boosting the economy. However, during deficit period government will adopt an expansionary fiscal policy to influence the aggregate demand such as supplying money to the economy to lower the currency value. Such move might result in inflation when the demand is higher than supply. (c) (iii) Monetized deficit Monetizing deficit approach is to finance the economy when there is a fiscal deficit in the economy. The government would sell bonds or security by financing the fiscal deficit. Implication from such approach will increase the debt of government. In monetized deficit scenario, the bank would be financing the government debt by producing extra banknotes. Inflation will be happen when the supply of the money is increase in the market and the value of the money will fall. This will help bank to keep targeted inflation rate in ideal range. (a) Trading internationally could of benefit and/or a disadvantage to the business sector. The objective of the international trade is to maximize profits between the interchange of goods and services internationally. The international trade is not only involving the exchanging goods and services across the border, it also creates opportunities for the market to the whole new level. The supply and demand of the goods and services will be created along the international trade occur. In this fast growing economy, the University education sector is no doubt developing an important qualities and criteria on next generation in order to raise the economy level. To ensure producing more competitive and high quality next generation, New Zealand is one of the countries moving towards to achieve the top class of education among the world. The more foreign investments the higher opportunities to stimulates the economy through foreign direct investment. Attracting more foreign investment opportunities will increase the number of universities by expanding the classes and branches worldwide. The government of New Zealand made an effort to attract foreign students such as offering US$2,000 to fund their flight to New Zealand through Education New Zealand Study Abroad Travel Awards (ENZTA) program (New Zealand Education, 2014). Thus, expanding the tertiary education sector will produce much more employment to meet the demands in the market. Higher number of lecturers and administration personnel will be needed to operate the sector. By the times, it could help government to achieve full employment goal. Current balance of payment figures for New Zealand and evaluate the implications of the figures As we can refer from chart 1 and chart 2 from the Appendix A, Statistic New Zealand published the latest seasonally adjusted current account balance of $2 billion deficit in the quarter of June 2014. The amount of deficit is increase for further $1.4 billion since quarter of March 2014. The export of goods and services shown a fell for amount of $1.1 billion and was the main reason contributed to the total deficit value. Referred to chart 2, the balance of goods remains a surplus of $1,250 million in quarter of June 2014. For the year ended of June 2014, the current account shown deficit of $5.8 billion which is 2.5 per cent of the total GDP causes by the fall of export of goods and services. This is can be comparable to 2.7 per cent of GDP from the quarter of March which shown an recovery. New Zealand’s net international liability was recorded at $149.7 billion which equivalent to 65.3 per cent of GDP during 30 June 2014. There is slightly reduction of $1.4 billion from last quarter of March 2014. The external debt shown from the chart was increased by $2.0 billion to total of $142.3 billion to the latest quarter. The high interest rate in New Zealand suspected contributed to the fall in exports of goods and services. This might explain that the fall in export is causes by the low demand of currency. When the currency is expensive, it tends to lower the demand and hence affected the currency value to shoot up. When this applies to New Zealand University education sector, the tuition fees would be relatively expensive than other country. However, the budget 2012 supports Government’s effort on improving the educational performance of students in tertiary education. Through the effort in budget 2012, they invested approximately $42 million to subsidy selected engineering courses for over 4 years (Tertiary Education Commission, 2012). Even though the falls in balance of payment are mainly contributed from the export of goods and services, the effort from government such as allocating the budget to subsidies the tertiary education sector will prove that the sector will continue to benefit t o the economy. (i) ) The impact of exchange rate on the demand and supply of New Zealand dollars The demand and supply was the variables to determine the exchange rates of currency. Shifting the aggregate demand to right will affect the price to rise and shifting supply to right will lower the price. Thus, higher demand of currency will contribute to high price of currency while excessive of supply contributed in low price of currency. It is applicable to University Education sector and can be seen through budget 2012, government provides subsidies and incentive to enhance the education system and bring opportunities to attract foreign students. When there is certain reputation of New Zealand education system among the foreign market, it attracts more foreign to study in this country and the demand for New Zealand dollar will be increase. Since studying in New Zealand requires its currency as fees, it definitely attracts higher investment from the other country. Consequently, the demand of education in New Zealand market from foreign countries will raise the demand of New Zealand currency. The higher of the demand of education, the higher value of the currency (ii) ) The impact of exchange rate on the exports and imports The aggregate demand of the exchange rates is influence by the effect if export and imports. If the exchange rate undergoes a rise, the exports will be cheaper and imports will be more expensive in other currencies. This could be inflationary situation in an economy if the price of import experience rises and make export is cheaper. This effect would increase demand of currency from overseas since the New Zealand dollars is relatively cheaper than other currency because they will find beneficial to their business. The demand is mainly depends on the price elasticity of demand for exports and hence influencing the exchange rate of currency. (iii) The impact of exchange rate on the balance of payments All the payments receipt or pay from other countries is recorded as the balance of payments in a financial account. The financial account records all the transaction either from an individual to a size of business internationally. It involves the inflows and outflows of money for foreign investment in an economy. Generally, the currency value in a balance economy will be more attract more demand for it and hence leading an increase value of currency. When the balance of payment was in negative state, the economy accountability of the balance payment will decrease and it will influence the exchange rate to experience a falls. The scenario happens when there the supply of currency is higher than demand in the market. (iv)The impact of exchange rate on the monetary policy In generally, monetary policy is used to maintain the economy level by manipulating the supplies of money and altering the interest rate. When facing inflation, the approach is used by central bank to increase the interest rate. Such attractive interest rate will attract foreign investor when the return is high and profitable. Hence, it increases the demand of the currency and boosting the level of exchange rate simultaneously. In short, the monetary policy influences the price of money by altering the interest rate to increase the demand. Such exchange rate is simply a reflection of foreign demand for a country currency. References Expansionary Monetary Policy Does Not Raise the Budget Deficit. (2013, October 15). Retrieved September 23, 2014, from Monetary Vs. Fiscal Policy: Chirantan Basu. (2014, August 31). Business Society. Retrieved September 24, 2014, from What Are the Four Most Important Limitations of Fiscal Policy: New Zealand Education. (2014, September 17). New Zealand Education. Retrieved September 22, 2014, from Market Research : China: Pavlina R. Tcherneva. (August 2013). Reorienting Fiscal Policy. A Critical Assessment of Fiscal Fine, 1-27. Reserved Bank of New Zealand. (2007, July). Monetary Policy. Retrieved September 23, 2014, from Reserved Bank of New Zealand: Tertiary Education Commission. (2012, May 24). Tertiary Education Commission. Retrieved September 22, 2014, from Budget 2012 : Universities: Appendix A Chart 1 Source : Statistic New Zealand Chart 2 Appendix B ; Source : Statistic New Zealand
Thursday, October 24, 2019
schindlers list Essay -- essays research papers
Schindlers List is a movie that takes place during WWII. The movie begins in Krakow, Poland just after the collapse of the Polish army, and at the beginning of the German occupation. Oskar Schindler, a tall handsome womanizer arrives in the city looking to open a factory in order to gain profits from the war. At the time, Jewish people were no long permitted to own a business, so Oskar obtains a factory from a Jewish man named Itzhak Stern, and makes Stern his accountant and manager. The two men form a strange relationship, with Oskar taking advantage of Sterns talent, and Stern distrustingly but obediently following Schindlers orders. Schindler goes to the Jewish ghetto to get the rich Jewish people to invest into his factory, and to get the poor Jews to work for him, since they can provide him with cheap labor. By way of the black market, Schindler obtains numerous delicacies such as liquor and hcocolate for the SS and German officers and sends them gift baskets to get on their go od side. Schindler spent his days entertaining the Nazis, and spending time with his numerous women, while leaving the work of running the factory to Itzhak because in Schindlers mind, he was very capable. Â Â Â Â Â When Schindler met with Stern, he would tell him stories of how the Jews were being treated. Initially, Schindler took these stories as nothing, however as time went on, Schindler began to feel increasingly more impacted about how the Jews were being treated. He w...
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
â€Å"Uphill†by Christina Rossetti is about the journey of life, or death, to heaven. The poem is an exchange of a series of brief and succinct questions and answers between two speakers: an inquiring traveler who asks many questions about the journey of life or death in which she is heading to (heaven), and an ex-traveler or guide who has taken that path before answering with a assured, and perfectly calm tone. In the poem, the poet uses difference devices such as quatrain, common meter , and perhaps it is written in strict iambic meter with lines vary in length and in the number of feet. The poet uses imagery, and symbolism (allegory)to express emotion and picture a traveler who has to take the road â€Å"uphill†, and who hopes to find an inn at the end of her travel. The poem sends a message that though find life hard but there are always comfort, help, and generosity along the way. This poem illustrates two ways in which line length is varied in a strict meter. The first variation is seen in the first line, which has nine syllables. This is still a five foot line because feet are constructed by iterative parenthesis insertion from right to left, the leftmost foot is the last constructed and can fall short. The second variation involves the number of feet in each line. As can be seen in â€Å"uphill†all odd-numbered lines are pentameters, whereas the even-numbered lines vary in length between three and five feet, there are 5 trimeter lines, 1 tetrameter and 3 pentameters. This difference in length reflects the fact that the poem has the forms of a dialogue where each odd-numbered (pentameter) line represents a question asked by one speaker, and the odd-numbered lines are answers given by her guide. The difference in length of line reflects the different styles of the two participants in the dialogue. In addition, the poem can be considered it is in common meter which is a close kin to the ballad stanza, with the stanza following a characteristic ballad pattern of 4+3+4+3 stressed syllables to the line. The first stanza of the poem is an example of common meter, four line rimed a b a b and tending to fall into 8, 6, 8, and 6 syllables. At the beginning of the poem, the speaker asks, â€Å"Does the road wind uphill all the way? (Line 1), the road is representing for the journey of life, and â€Å"wind uphill†stands for difficulties, or struggles through life. The inquiring traveler seems very worried or wondering about how hard the journey will be, and the guide softly affirms her worse hope, is that this journey will absolutely take â€Å" to the very the end†(Ln 2). The second question has the same sort of relation to life ,†Will the day’s journey take the whole long day? /From morn to night, my friend†(Ln 3-4). Life is a road that takes â€Å"the whole long day†to bring us â€Å"to the very end. †The night is death that awaits us at the end of the journey. Just as an uphill journey is long, and lasting from morning to evening, life also is full of difficulties right from birth to death. From these two questions which reveals that the inquiring traveler is asking about aspects of living and the journey of life. In the following stanza is presenting a sort of reassurance answer out of the wisdom of the ex-traveler. To begin with the speaker asks, â€Å"But is there for the night a resting-place? †(Ln 5) which is answered: â€Å"A roof for when the slow dark hours begin†(Ln 6). The night is metaphor for death, the speaker is wondering that when her final come (death) will be there a place for resting. The ex-traveler is reassuring the inquiring traveler that she will have time for rest along the way, which can be metaphorically taken, as it already stated as the path of life. In these lines, the speaker was searching for some sign of relief to come along the way. Then speaker continue asks, â€Å"May not the darkness hide it from my face†(Ln 7) which is then responded, â€Å"You cannot miss that inn†(Ln 8) . An â€Å"in†symbolizes for a resting place or perhaps heaven. In this case, there seems to be a comfortable â€Å"inn†for her and other wayfarers to stay at along their journey. The speaker in each successive stanza, knows that life is hard but finds that there is rest and a final resting place. The third stanza is also a continuation of this reassuring tone. The speaker asks hopefully if she will meet other â€Å"wayfarers†along the way and â€Å"Those who have gone before†(Ln 10) was the response given. This just shows that the inquiring traveler will meet people along her lifetime that will show her the right path to take. â€Å"Then must I knock, or call when just in sight? /They will not keep you standing at your door†(Ln 11-12), the guide then again reassures her that she would not be left waited, but welcome. Thus, it suggests that though speaker has the choice to listen to the wise along the way, and she does not have to listen to anybody. Yet again, this is another stanza of reassurance answer from the ex-traveler on the subject of the inquiring traveler ‘s future life. The last stanza holds perhaps the most comforting lines in the whole poem. â€Å"Shall I find comfort, travel-sore and weak? †(Ln 13) asks the inquiring traveler, and â€Å"Of labor you shall find the sum†(Ln 14) is answered by the guide. The speaker seems to worry that she will not find peace after â€Å"travel sore and weak†, and the guide has to calm the inquiring traveler nerves by giving her hope of future comfort. The first two lines offer compensation for labor: the fact that the inquiring traveler can only find as much comfort as much as she puts in labor. In other words, the uphill struggle of life will lead at last to heaven. This is the last stanza out of three that suggest future comfort, â€Å"Will there be beds for me and all who seek†/ â€Å"Yea, beds for all who come†(Ln 15-16), the beds also represent death and a final resting place. After the journey of the inquiring traveler is over, she is â€Å"travel-sore and weak†, and arrives at this resting place (the bed) which opens to anybody who searches for peace. Uphill†is an allegorical poem in which is regarded the journey of life as an â€Å"uphill†journey. Life is recognized as a painful task (it's up-hill all the way), yet it is the duty of mankind to undertake the trip in hopes of a peaceful rest in heaven as a reward, a reward for all obstacles that obstruct in life. All the pain and suffering are to be expected, not resisted. One benefits from them in the end. The poem ends with a note of hope that in heaven the weary souls will find comfort just like the travelers at the inn. Uphill â€Å"Uphill†is a poem that was written by Christina Rossetti in 1861. According to our textbook Discovering Poetry, this poem uses allegory, which is when various â€Å"symbols work together in a set pattern†. The various symbols portrayed by the author in this poem are consistent with those of a journey; a road, an inn, a resting place at night, and other wayfarers. The poem consists of four stanzas, in which an individual is posing questions in the first and third lines of each stanza, and in the second and fourth lines of the stanza someone is responding to those questions.In my initial readings of the poem, I was thinking of the communication taking place as that of a conversation between two individuals. For example, the person posing the questions was talking to their priest, or a child was asking their parents questions about life. However, after reading the poem numerous times, I began to view the interaction as not being an actual conversation, but rather an individual deep in prayer and having a conversation with God. Although God doesn’t usually speak directly to us, we often seem to find the answers we seek through prayer.In this poem the individual is posing their questions in prayer, and then receiving the response in their minds, which then offers comfort. I believe that the various symbols that are used in this poem are the authors attempt to describe our journey through life, and her vision that our place in the afterlife will be dependent on how we lived in our earthly life. The first stanza poses the questions â€Å"Does the road wind uphill all the way? †, and â€Å"Will the day’s journey take the whole long day? Here the author is using the symbols of a road, a day, and a journey to describe our life here on earth. Using â€Å"uphill†as a metaphor is indicative of the fact that she perceives life as difficult and challenging , and is wondering if the road through life will always be that way. Th e responses indicate that yes, the road will be an uphill one to the very end, and that we will face difficulties and challenges throughout our life. The challenges will last the entire â€Å"day†of our lives, from morn to night, or birth to death.The first stanza ends with â€Å"my friend†, indicating that the person answering the questions is someone who cares about the questioner and that they should trust them. In this opening stanza, it is as if someone is facing a hard time in their lives, and is praying to God for answers. The second stanza opens with the question â€Å"But is there for the night a resting place? †with the response being â€Å"A roof for when the slow dark hours begin†. Here the author is changing from the â€Å"day†of the first stanza, which was our life on earth, to â€Å"night†, which would be the afterlife.The questioner is wondering if there will be a place of â€Å"rest†or safety after we die, and the answer is that yes we will have a â€Å"roof†over our heads. This again follows the allegorical vision of a journey, with a person traveling an uphill road throughout the day of our lives, and at the end when darkness comes we all want a place of safety. The questioner is being told that yes, when it gets dark, or in the afterlife, we will have a roof over our heads, meaning we will be safe. The questioner then asks â€Å"May not the darkness hide it from my face? with the response being â€Å"You cannot miss that inn†. Here the questioner is worried that when we die there may be nothing, just darkness. However, they are assured that they cannot miss the inn, meaning that there is certainty of arrival in this place of safety. In this stanza, the person is continuing their prayer to God. They have already received a response that life is going to be difficult and challenging, and now they are being assured that there is an afterlife and that it will be a place of saf ety.The third stanza opens with the question â€Å"Shall I meet other wayfarers at night? †with the response being â€Å"Those who have gone before. †The use of â€Å"wayfarers†continues the vision of a journey, and here the questioner is asking if they will see other people in the afterlife. â€Å"Wayfarers†would be other people who have been on the same journey through life. The questioner then asks â€Å"Then must I knock, or call out when just in sight? †and is given the response â€Å"They will not keep you standing at the door†.Here the questioner is assured that when they arrive at the inn, or place of safety, their loved ones will be waiting to greet them. In this stanza the person is being assured by God that they will meet their loved ones in the afterlife. The fourth stanza asks the question â€Å"Shall I find comfort, travel- sore and weak? †with the response being â€Å"Of labor you shall find the sum†. In th e second and third stanzas, the questioner asked if they would find safety in the afterlife and if they would see their loved ones, and here they are asking if they will find comfort.The response is that the comfort they achieve will be dependent on the â€Å"labor†or work in their earthly lives. This indicates that there is some form of judgment in the afterlife of how we conduct our lives here on earth. The questioner then asks â€Å"Will there be beds for me and all who seek? †and is told â€Å"Yea, beds for all who come†. The term â€Å"seek†is important here, because here God is telling the questioner that there isn’t a bed for everyone, only those who seek Him.As you have read, the poem â€Å"Uphill†uses the symbols of a journey to create an allegorical vision of our life on earth and into the afterlife. In the final stanza of the poem, it is clear that the author is conveying the message that how we conduct our lives on earth will be a gauge for how we fare in the afterlife. While we will never know who the individual is that is answering the questions in the poem, I believe that it is God responding to the questioner through prayer, because God is the only one who would have the true answers to the questions.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Cougar
Hunting Cougars with Dogs Sen. Jim Hargrove said, â€Å" If you see a cougar, it’s probably because you’re his game†(Cougar Tales). Ever since voters banned hunting cougars with dogs in 1994, since the passing of Measure 18 the number of cougars taken on damage and human safety complaints has increased. Also since the ban, cougars are starting to work their way into towns and into human contact. Undoubtedly, the cougar population has risen because of the ban of the use of dogs. Since the ban of hunting cougars was passed in 1994, the cougar population has been growing fast, showing up in places where they didn’t before. They have been known to take domestic animals and stalk joggers and bikers on trails. On the trails that lead down from four corners right here in Ashland, Ryker Thorton, a friend of mine, had a cougar jump out in front of him as he road his bike down the trails. Even though he wasn’t attacked he said â€Å"being that close to a cougar unexpectedly is a scary especially without any protection.†During hunting season this year, Colon Brown was hunting deer up by Pilot Rock, when he found himself eighteen steps away from a cougar that had been stalking him. He heard a stick break and turned to see a cougar crouched down like it was ready to attack; he pulled out his pistol killing the cougar. The other story that hit the news that we all were able to hear about, was the resent mauling of Anne Hjelle. While riding with her friend Debi Nicholls in Orange County’s Whiting Ranch Wilderness Park, Hjelle was attacked. Nicholls had Hjelle by the feet as the cougar tried to drag her into the brush by her head and the other rescues threw rocks at the cougar. Police lead a search that lead to the killing of a two-year-old 110-pound cougar, and the discovery of another body that was found dead and partially buried fifty yards away from were the cougar was killed (Outside Magazine). The body was later determine... Free Essays on Cougar Free Essays on Cougar Hunting Cougars with Dogs Sen. Jim Hargrove said, â€Å" If you see a cougar, it’s probably because you’re his game†(Cougar Tales). Ever since voters banned hunting cougars with dogs in 1994, since the passing of Measure 18 the number of cougars taken on damage and human safety complaints has increased. Also since the ban, cougars are starting to work their way into towns and into human contact. Undoubtedly, the cougar population has risen because of the ban of the use of dogs. Since the ban of hunting cougars was passed in 1994, the cougar population has been growing fast, showing up in places where they didn’t before. They have been known to take domestic animals and stalk joggers and bikers on trails. On the trails that lead down from four corners right here in Ashland, Ryker Thorton, a friend of mine, had a cougar jump out in front of him as he road his bike down the trails. Even though he wasn’t attacked he said â€Å"being that close to a cougar unexpectedly is a scary especially without any protection.†During hunting season this year, Colon Brown was hunting deer up by Pilot Rock, when he found himself eighteen steps away from a cougar that had been stalking him. He heard a stick break and turned to see a cougar crouched down like it was ready to attack; he pulled out his pistol killing the cougar. The other story that hit the news that we all were able to hear about, was the resent mauling of Anne Hjelle. While riding with her friend Debi Nicholls in Orange County’s Whiting Ranch Wilderness Park, Hjelle was attacked. Nicholls had Hjelle by the feet as the cougar tried to drag her into the brush by her head and the other rescues threw rocks at the cougar. Police lead a search that lead to the killing of a two-year-old 110-pound cougar, and the discovery of another body that was found dead and partially buried fifty yards away from were the cougar was killed (Outside Magazine). The body was later determine...
Monday, October 21, 2019
How To Reduce Your Website’s Bounce Rate In One Step
How To Reduce Your Website’s Bounce Rate In One Step You’ve arrived, but feel lost. Or confused. Youre being bombarded with stimuli. Or too many choices. You’re unsure what to do next. I know exactly what you’re going to do next. You’re going to leave. You’re off in search of a place where you feel comfortable, confident, more â€Å"at home.†Now here’s the rub. You actually were at someone’s home- their home on the web- their home page, but something went terribly wrong. The problem’s simple enough. The home page isn’t simple enough. The host made you work. As a website visitor, you don’t want that. And as a website host, your goal must be to invoke a sense of belonging. The Number One Way to Reduce Your Website’s Bounce Rate #Marketing by @feldmancreativeThe goal of a home page is to get the visitor to click Bounce rate, which is revealed in your analytics, indicates the percentage of web site visits where only a single page was viewed. Translation: zero clicks. For a blog site, you need not get overly concerned about bounce rate. One-and-done visits are common. However, those that enter your site via its home page are likely to be first-timers. In this case, a high bounce rate is deadly. So how do you inspire a visitor to click a page deeper into your site? You interest them. And how do you interest your visitor? You communicate an idea that is easy to understand and memorable. Marketers often describe such ideas as â€Å"sticky.†Made to Stick, the bestselling book by Chip and Dan Heath, spells out the formula with six principles. The first, and perhaps, most vital, is simplicity. I’ll paraphrase from the book where they ask and answer the question, â€Å"How do you find the essential core of your ideas?†They submit you must be a master of exclusion. You must relentlessly prioritize. The book’s chapter on simplicity also offers the following: It’s hard to make ideas stick in a noisy environment You must weed out ideas, even if they’re important, in an effort to highlight the most important one Uncertainty- caused by multiple choices- tends to paralyze readers Powerful ideas are compact and meaningful Is your homepage simple? Does it elicit the response you want from visitors? If it’s not clear and compact, it’s time to review and revise it. It’s time to simplify. What’s in it for me? If you’ve studied copywriting even a wee bit, you’re likely to have read the â€Å"WIIFM†lesson. A common derivative of it goes: readers don’t care about your company or product; they care about themselves. I want to say you get the idea. I want to say everybody does. But they don’t. In fact, I don’t think it’d be outrageous to say a painfully large majority can’t (and maybe never will) comprehend the concept. And it’s a pity because when you shine the spotlight on yourself, you lose business. Your headline has a job to do While your typical web-browsing human is obviously not a goldfish, researchers like to explain his or her average attention span falls short of the little orange pucker’s. This means your job is to create a page, which is capable of expanding the average attention span. You need to grab ‘em fast. This is the headline’s job. The headline on your home page is the first line the visitor reads and therefore the most important line on your entire website.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Essay on Science Has Made Mans Life Quite Comfortable Essays
Essay on Science Has Made Mans Life Quite Comfortable Essays Essay on Science Has Made Mans Life Quite Comfortable Paper Essay on Science Has Made Mans Life Quite Comfortable Paper Science Has Made Our Life Comfortable Science has changed the face of the world. It has, of course, given many things that benefit man. But the evils that it has showered on man wash away the advantages. It has made man depend on machines, calculators and computers. A day may come when his physical and mental faculties may grow so weak that he may not be able to lift a bag or solve a simple equation. In the field of health services, it has given us life-saving drugs. But it has also given drugs like smack and heroin. Nuclear energy created by science has been much praised but the blast in Russia has exploded the myth. Check out more essay samples at Altheadlines your best college essay help! Atom bombs created by scientists were thrown on Hiroshima and Nagasaki decades ago. The painful memory still lingers and millions of people are still ill. I apparently support science. Science has made all the things possible. REALLY. without science we cannot imagine our lives. humans might have extincted long back if science had not been improved. so,i think it s not a bane for the society. There is a misconception about science ,people think that it is the science which is responsible for the explosions as well as destruction. But I think it is human brain which caused all this destruction. PEOPLE fought and had lost their lives before the improvement of science also. so, it is definetly a boon for the society The greatest harm science has done is to the faith of man. God has become a nonentity. In the modern jungle of mental activities where would a desperate man go? Having lost faith, his intellectual activities lead him to suicide. A number of scientists meet this fate every year in India. By This we can conclude that Science has more Boons than Banes.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
MGMT Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
MGMT - Assignment Example The rule further helps to clarify that small retail business are not part of this rule which means that they are not affected by it. This regulation will affect my business in terms of accessing government procurement programs as well as obtaining financial support (, para-1). The regulation try to define what is a small business as a sized standard and include all its branches. This proposal was put forth to provide clarity on the category of each operating business that has employees. It further provides the basis of whether a business qualifies for acquiring government procurement contract. I am against the proposed regulation because it has limited applicability in the actual situation. It fails to recognise other business such as retail trade enterprises as part of small business. Further, it represents just the opposite by stating that a small business is a standard sized business including its subsidiaries. One my comment has been submitted and acceptable my business will be able to fall under the definition of small business as explained by the small business administration. This will further make my business to qualify for government contracts and financial assistance. Business Size Standards: Industries with Employee Based Size Standards Not Part of Manufacturing, Wholesale Trade, or Retail Trade.Web.14.09.014 :< http://ww
Friday, October 18, 2019
Volunteer Service Evaluation Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Volunteer Service Evaluation Paper - Essay Example It provides a holistic approach to an individual through a wellness approach of enhancing the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual growth while promoting creative, social and vocational living. For seniors seeking fulfilling and an active lifestyle they provide the Holiday Touch. According to Greeley place, their staffs understand that everybody is unique and their needs change over time and thus offer personalized care to help the seniors enjoy life. They are committed to improving the lives of seniors. To them providing comfort, care and security to the seniors is fulfilling and they feel it’s a calling and not a job. They organize for the seniors innovative programs and activities as well as travelling which is both fun and promotes personal growth. According to Greeley place all the daily chores are attended by the staff and what seniors do is just to create a cheerful and friendly community. They senior citizen also support other organizations and causes in society such as the American Cancer Society. Through individual participation in volunteering one gets firsthand experience on how to interact with people of special needs such as the elderly. You learn on what to expect in retirement as well as prepare for the same. It more fulfilling to see the elderly appreciated by society through attending to them and volunteering is a way of giving back to
Principles of Economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Principles of Economics - Assignment Example Indeed, this article highlights critical economics points. First, Rampell (2013) appreciates that prices inversely relate to demand, and as such, increase in demand causes an increase in price of commodities. The author supports this with examples of price increase of airline tickets during Christmas, tickets for Major League Baseball during World Series and roses around Valentine’s Day. Even so, the article is more concerned with products that defy this postulate. Specifically, the author questions the decrease in prices of turkey during Thanksgiving when the increased demand dictates otherwise according to the principles of economics. The author cites government data that indicates a significant decrease in prices of turkey every November, the month of Thanksgiving when demand for turkey is high. The article raises two points to explain the observed phenomenon. First, the supply-side forces postulate argues that retailers sell â€Å"loss leaders†in anticipation that the commodities for which they sell at low prices, even at a loss, would attract customers who would then buy other commodities to compensate for the profits forfeited on such products (Rampell, 2013). Secondly, the author cites the demand-side forces argument noting that consumers tend to be more price-sensitive on commodities during peak seasons. 3. In the next three to five paragraphs, apply two of the following economic concepts (supply and demand, market structures, elasticity, and cost of production) to the key points that you highlighted in Question 2. The term demand in itself makes no sense unless qualified by price and the time during which it refers to. This explains the definition of demand by Mankiw (2014) as the quantity of goods that a consumer is willing and able to buy given the price, during a specified period of time. With regards to the case article, the period is
Consumer Behavior Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Consumer Behavior - Assignment Example my home Jim Maxwell and Ian Mc Donald who recently purchased DVD player - home theatre system of two different brands, in order to analyze the changing behaviours of consumers. Jim purchased the Sony brand while Ian purchased a Panasonic one. Their buying decisions were influenced by need for recognition. Before purchasing, both of them have searched a lot to collect information regarding the product. They have evaluated all the possible alternatives before taking the purchasing decisions. films you purchased you can no longer play! So you have a problem or a new need. For high value items like a DVD player or a car or other low frequency purchased products this is the process we would take.†(Consumer Buying Behaviour) Most of the purchasing decisions are accompanied by an identified need. Sometimes that may be the malfunctioning of an existing product or sometimes it may be for getting some social recognition. Recognition is a primary psychological need, many of the human beings possessed. Most of their purchasing decisions were influenced by such thirst for recognition. They may feel inferiority if they possess old goods. In Jim’s case he is more focussed on social recognition while Ian seems to be more practical than Jim in his decisions. Once the consumer decide about the need of purchasing he will definitely go for information regarding the product he wanted to purchase. â€Å"Sources of information could be family, friends, neighbours who may have the product you have in mind, and alternatively you may ask the sales people, or dealers, or read specialist magazines like What DVD to help with their purchase decision. You may even actually examine the product before you decide to purchase it.†(Consumer Buying Behaviour) The following questions were asked to Jim and Ian regarding the collection of information of the DVD player they purchased Most of the people are rely on, advertisements in television, news papers, Super markets and internet for the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Capital Accumulation for Beautiful You Ltd Essay
Capital Accumulation for Beautiful You Ltd - Essay Example This report will point out the documents need to be prepared and the various mandatory procedures Alethra Brotherton and her partner and Beautiful You Ltd. need to comply with, in order to issue the shares to Expansion Capital plc or, alternatively, borrow the money from the bank and create the security required. I. Legal Procedures and Documentation Required According to Bos (1969), every business transaction is a legal activity as each business concern is a separate legal entity. In the given case, there are two options available for the Beautiful You Ltd to finance its planned expansion. One is to acquire ?150,000 from Expansion Capital plc in return of one third of the shares of the company. The second option allows the company to receive ?100,000 from the company’s bank on the strength of a fixed charge over the new shop premises. In order to proceed with both these options, the Beautiful You Ltd has to prepare certain documentations and comply with other legal procedures. If the company decides to finance its proposed business expansion plan by acquiring funds from Expansion Capital plc, it needs to issue one third of its shares to Expansion Capital plc. Since the Beautiful You Ltd is a private company, it is not required to state the authorized share capital. However, if the Beautiful You Ltd has registered before 01.10.2009, it would have an authorized share capital provision in its memorandum of association if it has not been removed. In such a situation, the Beautiful You Ltd can issue shares only up to its authorized capital amount which is stated under the capital clause of the memorandum of association. If the company has no sufficient authorized capital available, it must amend the articles before the share issue. A copy of the passed resolution, a form of G123, and the altered memorandum must be registered at Companies House. However, these procedures do not affect the Beautiful You Ltd if it had been formed after 01.10.2009. Alt hough the share allotment is a matter of management, the directors are subjected to some statutory obligations in order to prevent abuses of powers. The directors have the authority to allot shares if the company has only one class of shares; this provision is also subjected to specific restrictions in the company’s articles (sec550, CA 2006). In contrast, a special resolution (sec51, CA 2006) or a provision in the company’s articles must authorize the directors to allot shares if the company has more than one class of shares. While taking a decision regarding share issuance to the Expansion Capital plc, the beautiful You Ltd must consider the pre-emptive rights for existing members, which have been defined as statutory pre-emptive rights in sec561, CA 2006. However, the Beautiful You Ltd can exclude these rights by either a provision in the company’s articles or by passing a special resolution (sec569-sec571). When the Beautiful You Ltd takes such a capital acc umulation decision, some of its existing shareholders may waive their rights to them. Under such circumstances, the company has the legal obligation to offer shares to them. After ensuring that all the above matters has been attended, the directors of the Beautiful You Ltd may resolve to allot shares by clearly stating number and class of shares, the price paid, the allottees, whether for cash or other assets. The directors must issue share certificate to the Expansion
Business and Accounting Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Business and Accounting Ethics - Essay Example The main purpose of business ethics is to maintain a code of conduct which reinforces consumer confidence in the business. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) has put down ethical guidelines for accounting. The AICPA's first principle of professional conduct states: "In carrying out their responsibilities as professionals, members should exercise sensitive professional and moral judgments in all their activities." The Golden Rule is this that one should live their life with integrity and bearing a sound moral character. Success cannot be measured by the acquisition of money only. A 1987 survey of corporate executives administered by Touche Ross revealed that two thirds believed that high ethical standards improve a firm's competitive position but felt that "increased concentration on short-term earnings" and "decay in cultural and social institutions" are major threats to business ethics. [1] Ethics must be the cornerstone of every business. This applies to my real estate and loan brokerage businesses aptly. The article stresses on transparency and pursuing good moral values in order to earn long term benefits. Ethics is also essential in building trust and confidence in the public for your business. Real Estate businesses have to do with direct interaction with the customers. Ethics is especially relevant here.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Consumer Behavior Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Consumer Behavior - Assignment Example my home Jim Maxwell and Ian Mc Donald who recently purchased DVD player - home theatre system of two different brands, in order to analyze the changing behaviours of consumers. Jim purchased the Sony brand while Ian purchased a Panasonic one. Their buying decisions were influenced by need for recognition. Before purchasing, both of them have searched a lot to collect information regarding the product. They have evaluated all the possible alternatives before taking the purchasing decisions. films you purchased you can no longer play! So you have a problem or a new need. For high value items like a DVD player or a car or other low frequency purchased products this is the process we would take.†(Consumer Buying Behaviour) Most of the purchasing decisions are accompanied by an identified need. Sometimes that may be the malfunctioning of an existing product or sometimes it may be for getting some social recognition. Recognition is a primary psychological need, many of the human beings possessed. Most of their purchasing decisions were influenced by such thirst for recognition. They may feel inferiority if they possess old goods. In Jim’s case he is more focussed on social recognition while Ian seems to be more practical than Jim in his decisions. Once the consumer decide about the need of purchasing he will definitely go for information regarding the product he wanted to purchase. â€Å"Sources of information could be family, friends, neighbours who may have the product you have in mind, and alternatively you may ask the sales people, or dealers, or read specialist magazines like What DVD to help with their purchase decision. You may even actually examine the product before you decide to purchase it.†(Consumer Buying Behaviour) The following questions were asked to Jim and Ian regarding the collection of information of the DVD player they purchased Most of the people are rely on, advertisements in television, news papers, Super markets and internet for the
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Business and Accounting Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Business and Accounting Ethics - Essay Example The main purpose of business ethics is to maintain a code of conduct which reinforces consumer confidence in the business. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) has put down ethical guidelines for accounting. The AICPA's first principle of professional conduct states: "In carrying out their responsibilities as professionals, members should exercise sensitive professional and moral judgments in all their activities." The Golden Rule is this that one should live their life with integrity and bearing a sound moral character. Success cannot be measured by the acquisition of money only. A 1987 survey of corporate executives administered by Touche Ross revealed that two thirds believed that high ethical standards improve a firm's competitive position but felt that "increased concentration on short-term earnings" and "decay in cultural and social institutions" are major threats to business ethics. [1] Ethics must be the cornerstone of every business. This applies to my real estate and loan brokerage businesses aptly. The article stresses on transparency and pursuing good moral values in order to earn long term benefits. Ethics is also essential in building trust and confidence in the public for your business. Real Estate businesses have to do with direct interaction with the customers. Ethics is especially relevant here.
The Books and School Essay Example for Free
The Books and School Essay In the first few pages of the book, Bloom highlights the importance of reading and studying literature and at the same time mentions one’s limitations about conducting this exercise. He writes, â€Å"The Biblical thee-score years and ten no longer suffice to read more than selection of the great writers in what can be called the Western tradition, let alone in all the word’s traditions. †(Bloom, 1995, p. 17) The best of the literature, finds new perspectives with the passage of time. New interpretations are introduced; many additions to the old ones are done, as per the demands of the time. The fable of the yesteryears becomes the reality of the day as for some characters in works of famous writers. They have the all-time appeal, as they transcend all secular limitations, and establish for themselves a unique place in the history of literature. Bloom dives deep in to the ocean of literature and tries to collect and introduce the pearls of wisdom to his readers. How did he achieve it and what were the implications? The re-examination of the world of literature afresh†¦ â€Å"Originally The Canon meant the choice of books in our teaching instructions, and despite the recent politics of multiculturalism, the Canon’s true question remains: What shall the individual who still desires to read attempt to read, this late history? †(Bloom, p. 17) asks Bloom and seems to grope for the answer. He attempts to dive deep in to the ocean of literature Age-wise the Autocratic Age, the Democratic Age, and the Chaotic Age. Any literature has time-value but there is a branch of ‘literature’ that transcends limitations of time. And more reading doesn’t mean more knowledge. Why should anyone attempt to possess all knowledge? The limitations of human existence, prima-facie, negate such possibility, even if one intensely wishes! I am reminded of a real-life incident. The question asked to a candidate for a high-profile selection post, was â€Å"Who is the Finance Minister of Spain? †Obviously the Interview Board Member was trying to corner the candidate. The bold candidate answered the question with a counter-question, â€Å"Sir, may I know from you who the Sports Minister of Nigeria is? I frankly say, that it is not necessary for me or anyone to acquire such superfluous general knowledge. It has nothing to do with one’s efficiency or productivity related to work. †What you do is not important; how you do what you do is important. Similarly, what you read is not important; how you read what you read is important-rather what you assimilate is the crux of the reading exercise. Presently, when the world is deeply impacted by the materialistic civilization, the industrial and internet revolution lays the real fear of the reading habit getting minimal- reading, just out of necessity and no more the soul pleasure! Bloom’s sincere efforts to re-kindle the passion for reading as for authors like Shakespeare, Austen and Dickens, is laudable and it is the need of the time , to come out of the web of dreary and mechanical life. Having said that, he poses the well-meaning question related to the Canon, â€Å"What shall the individual who still desires to read attempt to read, this late in history? A maestro of Classical Music takes interviews for the prospective candidates for judging their potentiality as for the inborn musical talents. He just asks them to sing a line or two, and he is able to judge their intrinsic worth. Bloom’s opinions about the quality of literature are somewhat similar. He is fascinated by the literary world created by Shakespeare. To him he is the be-all and end-all of the canon that he defines for the Western world, the standard by which one judges all literature. Bloom rightly opines that human mind has limitations as for acquiring the knowledge. When one transcends the mind-barrier it is altogether a different world and it is not possible to describe that state through verbal communications. Because, it is the final stage of experiencing, this is beyond then realm of words. Shakespeare, according to Bloom is the master psychologist- he has tackled each type of psychological situations and given answers through his characters. It is therefore, not necessary to read the psychological texts with the hope of finding anything new, after having read Shakespeare. This holds well, according to Bloom, in the religious contest as well. Shakespeare’s understanding of the religious tenets is so perfect! But not so about spirituality, admits Bloom candidly! An elegy for the Canon, Bloom does three types of classifications for the literature: The Autocratic Age, The Democratic Age and the Chaotic Age. Bloom makes rather the controversial statement that all great writing can end up sounding rather too similar. To select 26 authors of the vast multitude of literature should be a tough task for Bloom, but to the lucky ones in his team, he has rendered yeoman service. He has done a fine survey of classical literary traditions. Many have found it so rewarding to read these authors, in the light of the critical assessment done and fresh light thrown by Bloom. He has made the flowers of literary taste bloom in the desert. (Those who were hitherto disinterested in classical literature) Two issues immensely influence any author. The influence of Nature and the influence of the works of other authors! This process can be termed as literary sparks generated out of friction. One idea gives rise to several ancillary ideas, sometimes more profound and brilliant than the original idea. Through the introduction to various authors, Bloom has succeeded in inspiring the readers as well and that created the chain reaction in them to read more and more. The authors probably wrote one more book by such inspiration and the readers read another book! Both are the comparable processes of the literary genius latent in an individual. Therefore, those who have read the Western Canon of Bloom have admitted that it has been the most rewarding experience of their lives. No contradictions can be made as for Bloom’s observation about the impact of the materialistic civilization, ruthless competition, where moral boundaries are often violated and he asserts that such a process does destroy literary study in the name of socio-economic justice. One who creates literature and the one who loves literature have peculiar types of hearts, which a normal secular individual would find it difficult to understand. Such literary giants may have to pass through derision and even opposition. And finally a stage of willing acceptance would not be far off. There are ample examples of such developments if one goes through the history of mankind over the last few centuries. Bloom is however is too much obsessed about Shakespeare. No doubt, he is brilliant among the brilliants, but Blooms overreacts as for the glory that Shakespeare was, is and will be! Well, that is Bloom’s personal opinion, and one need not agree with it. An author writes true to his convictions. He doesn’t write to please someone. Reading Bloom’s book should be the beginning of the literary saga for any individual, not the end! It should never be! Conclusion: Bloom is a highly evolved individual, and he seems to have crossed the last hurdle of the mind-barrier. He has repeatedly knocked the portals of spirituality, but he has not entered it. He has, however, succeeded in taking certain potshots at it. If he were to cross it, his perspective about the entire mass of literature, would have changed, and he would have understood the meaningfulness and meaningless of the literary classics. But from his intellectual level, he has given the best possible explanations and views about the Western Canon. ============= Works Cited: Bloom, Harold: Book: The Western Canon: The Books and School of the Ages: Paperback: 560 pages Publisher: Riverhead Trade; 1st Riverhead Ed edition (September 1, 1995) Language: English ISBN-10: 1573225142 ISBN-13: 978-1573225144
Monday, October 14, 2019
Social Construction of Female Gangs
Social Construction of Female Gangs Introduction In the UK, there has been very little research on female gang problem which has led to the vast amount of research from the USA being applied to the UK situation. Female gangs have been in existence throughout history although very little has been said about its members beyond their role as sexual objects. Hallsworth and Young (2008):176) following a home office report in 2008 state that the gang was for the first time explicitly linked to the problem of urban violence and rising weapon use in the UK (2008:176) and according to Campbell (1990) girls have been a part of gangs since the earliest accounts from New York in the early 1800s (1990:166). Female gang activity has been on the increase in the latter half of the twentieth century and as such, these activities have increasingly become violent. In this essay, I will elaborate on the meaning of gangs and female gangs using various definitions given by key authors. My main interest in this paper will be to discuss the historical bac kground of female gangs and the key debates surrounding these gangs in relation to the literature written by authors of different calibers and also the myths as portrayed by the society. I will also be interested in discussing the media construction of female gangs giving examples which will lead me to explore the disconnection between what the media says about female gangs and what the reality is. The term gang according to Schneider and Tilley (2004) does not have a single definition even though it is used universally by researchers, police, social workers, media and the general public (2004: xviii). The US National Criminal Justice Reference Service have defined the term gang as a group of three or more people who have a common name or sign and have an aim of engaging in criminal activity. In the UK context, experts have found it difficult to reach a consensus on whether or not gangs exist and how they can be defined (Aldridge and Medina, 2008; Alexander, 2008; Broadhurst et al., 2009; Hallsworth and Silverstone, 2009; Her Majestys Inspectorate of Prisons, 2010; Pickles, 2009; Pitts, 2008). Websters Dictionary (1961) gives us another definition stating that a gang is a band or group of persons who involve themselves in criminal or socially unacceptable behavior (1961:74). Female gang is simply a girl group or individuals who are involved in criminal activities and share the same names, symbols and signs as their identity. Female gangs do not have a visible leader and according to research that they tend to be fairly informal and they do not often have a visible leader. Campbell for example in the Huffs book on Gangs in America (1990) observes that in Los Angeles some gangs have veterinas or godmothers but she goes on to say that typically the members insist there is no leader and that decisions are made democratically. Campbells observation suggests that some girls clearly have more clout than others, but that this usually is not formalized as a leadership role. (1990: 178). In this review, I will discuss about female gangs drawing upon American research but with more emphasis on the rising phenomenon of female gangs in Britain. In order to accomplish my aim for this literature review, I will use primary sources, some secondary sources and other policy documents or government publications to enable me make conclusions and recommendations, identifying gaps in knowledge which may inspire other researchers into ideas for further research and also enable me to give my general opinion of how I feel about the social construction of female gangs by the media much of which I tend to disagree with. Literature Review Historical Background Many researchers and journalists have for a long time assumed that girls and women did not take part in criminal behaviors and therefore the issue of female gang has often been ignored. Campbells (1990) review on girl gangs states that, girls were defined solely in terms of their relations to male gang members (1990:166). Men have always been the point of concentration in investigating gang crimes and until recently, female gang members were seen as sex objects or tomboys. Literature has shown that researchers describe female gangs as weapon carriers for the male counterparts in addition, Moore and Hagedorn (2001) argue that even when describing female gang members as tomboys, researchers emphasized that the females motivations were focused on males (2001: 2). Looking at the UK context of female gangs, literature on girls and gangs has not been well developed because researchers in Britain have not seen the need to concentrate on female gangs (Campbell and Muncer, 1989; Sanders, 2002 ). According to Downes (1966); Parker (1974) and Scott (1956), the UK tried to apply American gang theories to address the problem of street gangs but these attempts failed over time leading to lack of data on gangs. This explains why there is no sound evidence as in the case of USA, for the proliferation of violent street gangs (Hallsworth and Young, 2008: 177). Female Involvement is not a new occurrence universally. In fact, there has been a lot of concern on the rise of female involvement in gang business over the years. Early studies found that there was a 50 percent increase in serious crimes by teenage gins between 1968 and 1974, compared to a 10 percent increase for boys and arrests of girls under 18 for violent crimes rose 393 percent between 1960 and 1978, compared to 82 percent for boys (CASA Website) . Miller (2001) compared youth gang involvement in 1950, and found out that youth gangs of the 1980s and 1990s are more numerous, more prevalent, and more violent than in the 1950s, probably more than at any time in the countrys history (2001: 263). In the early 1980s, Anne Campbell (1981) became interested and had concerns about female offenders which led her to conduct an investigation about the occurrences of violence amongst girls in Britain. Campbell, (1984) also did an investigation on female gangs in America and this led to her conclusions that the problem of female gangs was socially constructed. She criticized Britain for only concentrating on male gangs and ignoring female gangs and illustrated that in New York, women were very unlikely to organize in to gangs in big numbers because the female groups were only known to follow male groups (Campbell, 1995). Recent studies on girls and violence also shows that there has been an increase in violent and aggressive behaviour by girls and this has been catalyzed by media attention. Earlier on, people knew very little about girls violence because there was a belief that violence was solely committed by men. The study findings show very little evidence suggesting that girls are physically violent. Membership Academic research on gang membership in the UK is very sparse as mentioned earlier on and there is little evidence showing that young women have existential experience in committing violence. It has been difficult to ascertain the numbers of female gangs although there is a significant existence of the members. On the other hand, in the US, feminist researchers have tried to provide a more nuanced portrayal of the complex gender experiences of girls in gangs (Miller, 2001: 16). They have demonstrated that girls involvement in female gangs meets their gender expectations and experience heightened risks for physical and sexual victimization and also ascertains that gang membership provides them with a sense of belonging, giving them confidence and refuge from their abusive families (Campbell, 1990; Joe and Chesney-Lind, 1995; Joe Laidler and Hunt, 2001; Miller, 2001, 2008; Moore, 1991; Nurge, 2003). Many gangs appear to be more highly structured than delinquent groups but that does not disqualify the fact that they may still be seen as loosely organized. Several factors such as age, neighborhoods and so on are considered as the basis of gaining entry to these gangs or becoming a member. The gang sizes range from a member group of four or five and can go beyond a thousand. There have been different classification of gang groups such as the leaders, associates of the regulars then there are the peripheral members and finally the recruits. Most studies have shown that the reasons why females join gangs are because of friendship influence, it is seen as a form of solidarity and self affirmation. Research has indicated that those kids who grow up in dysfunctional families and whose parents are in prison may find it appropriate to join gang groups. Many youth gang formation is as a result of the present deteriorating economic conditions which are characterized by poor housing, lack of school structures and facilities and lack of laws that regulate violation of youth gangs. Being in a female gang may be a refuge from physical and sexual abuse at home. Young et al.s (2007) was involved in a research which directly involved girls and young women who had association with female gang and this gave him a different picture of their involvement. UK studies of female gangs have indicated that girls and young women are just portrayed as girlfriends to their male gang members but Young et als involvement in interviewing some of the females indicated that their groups were mainly composed of peers whose main reason for being together was plain friendship and denied that their groups were gangs. However in the US, Miller (2001) states that young womens group formation was through friendships from school, their house neighborhoods and not through any initiation rites to join these groups. Evidence uncovered by Young et al. (2007) stated that all the female groups interviewed referred to each other as their mates. Seven young women belonged to all-female groups and although they would periodically hang about with the local young men, this was not because these relationships with males were considered to be important or necessary. Indeed, from their testimonies it was evident that these women did not consider the males around them as friends or even friendly, nor did this group enter into intimate relationships with the young men they associated with. These young women determined when they associated with the males in their social circle and were not significantly influenced by the actions of males or male-dominated groups (Young et al., 2007: 143). A study conducted by Pitts in 2007 considers female membership in gangs as Reluctant Gangsters: Youth Gangs in Waltham Forest (Pitts, 2007). According to Pitts (2007), young women in gangs are often sexually exploited, sometimes in exchange for drugs and the relationships (they have with male members) tend to be abusive; one of dominance and submission and also some senior gang members pass their girlfriends around to lower ranking members and sometimes to the whole group at the same time (2007: 39). Pitts (2007) study states that the reason why young women, or girlfriends, are attracted to the gangs is mainly because they believe they can be glamorous or become celebrities within the group. It is unclear how members of female gangs are able to maintain long term roles and specific position given that the core members decide on the primary roles of the gang groups. Some members join the groups for a short period and others may move on to other gang groups after a certain period of ti me but in all these groups, the core members still remain in charge of the criminal activities. Statistics The most widely used data on female gangs has been from the nationwide surveys of law enforcement agencies. Miller (1975) stated that a survey conducted in the mid-1970s indicated that 10 percent of all gang members were estimated to be female and according to Spergel (1995), a national survey found that in 1992 only 3.7 percent of all gang members were female. This was due to the fact that 32 percent of the surveyed jurisdictions did not, as a matter of policy, identify females as gang members (Curry and Decker, 1998: 98). Four years later in 1996 there was an estimate that 11 percent and then 1998, 8 percent of all gangs were female (Moore and Terrett, 1998; National Youth Gang Center, 2000). It is noted that it is in small cities and rural areas where female gangs are more likely to be found and their ethnicities vary by regions (National Youth Gang Center, 2000). In 2003 the Channel 4 documentary Dispatches emphasized that the gang problem was increasingly spreading in the UK and as many as 30,000 gangs were functional and 57 percent included female members (Thompson, 2003). The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS, 2005) released the most recent figures with findings that there were 174 street gangs in London. In 2006 the MPS figures showed that there was a 66.6 per cent increase in gang membership raising the number of UK gangs to 50,000 of which 2500 of the total number were young women (MPS, 2006). The United States gang numbers according to recent police estimates indicate that there are 27,000 gangs with approximately 788,000 members (National Youth Gang Survey, 2007). According to these reports, there was a 25% increase in the reported numbers of gang and gang problems since the year 2001 where there was a low report on gang problems (National Gang Center, 2009). Curry, Fox, Ball, Stone (1992) and National Gang Center (2009) reported that in 2007 there were gang problems in large cities, 86% more than what was reported in 1983 which was at 50% when the gang problem was just beginning to grow. Media construction of female gangs Media representations on gangs and more specifically female gangs have played a very big role in informing the social reality by a social constructionist perspective. In the past two decades, gang crime activities have dominated the crime news and the quality of life among rural and urban dwellers has been eroded also, violent young females have been presented as a new and growing social problem(Batchelor, 2009:408). According to Batchelor (2009) girls have been perceived to be the same as boys especially in fighting to defend themselves (2009:400). Batchelor continues to argue that young women who involve themselves in male gangs have been used as carriers of weapons and drugs and in some cases the girls have been exploited sexually. News in the media has claimed that young women have acted as the heads of anti-social youth groups who commit crimes like rape, murder and violent robbery (Young, 2009). Many newspapers produce stories with an aim of attracting peoples attention and informing them on what they think the public want to read about thus making a lot of sales on the papers. The medias main interest had been to enhance its economic aspect by manipulating the public way of thinking about crime and its social context (Potter and Kappeler 1998). The main contribution of the media has been according to Best (1993:119), a contextual constructionism of gangs where the media makes certain choices of what to cover in the news which contributes to the social construction of the reality. Crime narratives and representations are, and have always been, a prominent part of the content of all mass media( Reiner, 2007:305), with sources such as newspapers and television documentaries playing a central role in creating public perceptions of crime and therefore influencing their perceptions about the extent of crime and the risk of suffering it (Treadwell, 2006:77). Media reports especially in the UK have not been backed up by concrete evidence on the wider female gang problems. The Centre for Social Justice (2009) states that media coverage has, at times, been suggestive of an epidemic in gang-related youth violence (2009:19). In the UK, television headlines and documentaries relating to gang violence and the coming up of girl gangs has been dominant and that has not been different in the case of USA where it has been reported that gang groups are armed, dangerous and prepared to kill (Hallsworth and Young, 2008:176). Despite the fact that gangs and gang activity has been seen as a social problem to society and despite the regular convictions from the news that has shaped such problems, a comprehensive and systematic analysis of newspaper coverage of gangs and societys war on gangs has not been undertaken. There have been extraordinary cases of female violence reported. For example the reported case of a frenzied attack of eight strangers which was enacted by Chelsea OMahoney, who was the only female member of Sergeant Crew, in conjunction with her male friends (Laville, 2005). This case signifies that there are existing modern girl gang members who offend the law. The press gave an impression that made the public perceive the girl involved as aggressive and one capable of extreme behaviour, a trouble maker who causes havoc in and out of her group and catalyses others to be involved in aggressive behaviour (Thompson ,2003). In the next section, I will analyze the literature review and the medias perception towards female gangs. I will explore the information given in order to see if there is a disconnect between what the media says and what the reality is about female gangs. This will aid me in making proper conclusion about the media construction of female gangs. Analysis It has been argued that reports on female gangs offending the law is very low compared to male offenders and noted that female violence is a relatively rare occurrence according to crime statistics. Various authors like Campbell (1995) have stated that Britain for many years had not developed any research on female gangs whereas in New York, female groups were only seen as followers of their male counterparts and could not possibly form gang groups to organize crimes. On the other hand, the press has had much to write on the papers and commentate in news about girl gangsters especially in the last ten years. According to Tara (2009) there have been news reports contending that young women are traditionally engaged in violent crimes. Reports have in excess claimed that many anti-social youth groups are now headed by young women and they commit crime such us rape, murder and robbery. Honigsbaum (2006) states that young women in the UK are cited to be amongst the most violent and aggres sive in the world. It is clear that there have been a few empirical studies on female gang membership especially in the UK although the media coverage of violent offences committed by young women has created a certain perception towards the girl gangsters. This construction of female gangs has also been through the statistical evidence that has been provided by officials from the law enforcement department. Comparing the literature on female gangs and what the media has had to say about this topic, it is evident that there have been gaps in research on female participation in gangs in the UK which is the same case as the American gang literature where else, the media has been successful in socially constructing the girl gangs even though its evidence is very scant. Over the years, most researchers have concentrated on investigating the male gangs, studying the criminal behaviour of men and ignoring the female counterparts. According to Pitts (2007), the female gangs have not been recognized or in some cases, research has been conducted in reference to the experience of men. In reality, female gangs have been in existence for decades but it has been difficult to come up with the true picture of the problem. In the case of UK, there have been claims that currently young women are more likely to engage in street gangs and these women are more likely to engage in serious violent crime. This information is not substantial because the media seems to exaggerate this kind of violent crime thus shaping the public perceptions of gangs. There is a problem of statistic as well. It has been noted that female gangs exist in larger cities but there is no evidence to suggest that female crime is a national problem, therefore the true problem cannot be identified. Unrealistic public attitudes towards girls gangs have been the order of the day because there has been misrepresentation of girls lives and this according to Batchelor (2001) has created a misdirected public policy. The media has been fond of relying on simple statistics and typical gang cases that have no evidence and this has complicated the discussions of complex socio-specific contexts of violence in girls lives (Batchelor, 2001). Young womens genuine problems continue to be marginalized and ignored as the media continues to give wrong information to the public thus making the girls become a problem. Batchelor (2005); Coy (2008) suggest that it is important that any steps taken to address problems of gang involvement by young women should be from the reality and should be able to acknowledge the yo ung women are active agents and victims. As I have discussed above ,most of the violence that is experienced by girls and young women, as both perpetrators and victims, takes place within either the family or their friendship group. This means that social work and probation practitioners need to give careful attention to the familial and peer contexts of young womens offending, putting in mind that both groups can be concurrently harmful and protective. (Batchelor, 2005) argues that if we are to working towards effecting change in young women offenders lives, we need to maximize on their involvement and participation in various positive activities. These activities should enable them relate well with their families and friends and also the social work teams in order to have positive relations. There is need for accessible and affordable leisure activities which can be effective in occupying the girls and young womens minds and address some specific needs like bullying and victimization. It could be argued that research in to the phenomena of the girl gang especially in the UK is barely adequate thus making it difficult to make quantifying conclusion of the girl gang problem. Much of this essay clearly states that crime statistics show that compared to male offending female violence is a relatively rare occurrence (Young, 2009:224), and any rise in female violence may not always be gang related. I will conclude this essay by indicating that a lot of information represented by the media is just assumptions with no evidence to back it and researchers can do more towards looking more into the problem. Conclusion There seems to be no concrete theory as to why girls of women get involved in violent crimes but there have been various factors that have been cited to have played a major role in influencing them to join gang activities. Parental negligence, poverty, teenage pregnancies, lack of education, ill health, early involvement in sexual activities and peer group influence are some of the factors that drive these girls and women into gangs. Researchers, the law enforcement system, school, community based programmes and families have ignored the fact that female gangs exist and have confined young female to victimization and this has resulted to the rise of female violence. This essay has considered the background information of female gangs, the definition of gang and female gang, the key debates surrounding these gangs in relation to literature written, also the media construction of female gangs and the myths as portrayed by the society. It is argued that many researchers have ignored females as gangs and the notion seems to be that female gangs and their members are pale imitations of male gangs (Spergel, 1995: 90). Due to lack of research, facts that have been written and reproduced in books about female gangs are based on journalists and probation officers reports and also the statements given by the male gang members. Looking at the past and current research on female gangs, it is clear that they do exist in the UK and the USA although the statistics given are socially constructed due to the fact that the gang related cases are underreported. Reliable statistics may show that the problem of female gangs is not as large as the media portrays it to be and with the media catalyzing the problem, it may have negative consequences such as labeling to girls and young women. Media reports fuelling a moral panic can also have an impact on how the community and the government responds to female gangs thus failing to tackle the needs of these female groups. I will conclude by saying that it would be important for researchers to further explore the problem of female gangs because I completely agree that they exist and need attention otherwise the problem will get out of hand if ignored. The media should stop exaggerating facts on female gangs and concentrate on finding out the true picture of these gangs.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
BARNEY FRANK: Truth, Lies, Privacy :: essays Papers
BARNEY FRANK: Truth, Lies, Privacy Throughout his eighteen-year tenure in the United States House of Representatives, Representative Barney Frank has received all types of criticism and praise, ranging from derogatory statements pertaining to his sexual preferences, to outstanding compliments similar to the ones received by the great orators in the history of our country. Many of these comments surfaced during the recent impeachment trial for President Clinton, where Representative Frank dazzled and enraged many of his political colleagues with his unique "laser-sharp wit and quips" (Alvarez, 1998). Throughout his political career and most recently, the impeachment trial, Representative Frank freely voiced his opinion of the President and his actions with an almost invincible aura emanating with each comment. It is true that Representative Frank emerged as one of Clinton’s strongest defenders, but Representative Frank did not assume the typical role of a completely loyal and faithful supporter. Representative Frank made exhilarating arguments in defense of the President, and he publicly denounced the President’s actions just as quickly when he did not agree with them. By supporting the President in such a fashion, it is hard to imagine why Representative Frank was not constantly under attack, but rather still able to clearly state his opinions to an audience that was still very eager to listen. Of course like any other politician, Representative Frank has his allies and his enemies, yet he does not seem to weigh them as heavily as other politicians appear to. Enemies or simply people who do not necessarily see eye to eye with Representative Frank, have branded Frank as: "very intimidating, harassing, with an ability to use humor that enables him to win debate on tactics alone, rather than substance,"says Jones."His style reminds me of a petulant adolescent who has to have his own way. He's a stand-up comedian in congressional clothes, a very funny guy in the Don Rickles/Jackie Mason mold"(Elvin, 1998). Another one of Frank’s rivals, Howard Phillips of Conservative Caucus, who began debating with Frank in their undergraduate days at Harvard, stated that Representative Frank is: "a person of great energy, and great passion, for the wrong causes. God gave him extraordinary talent and he's using it for evil rather than for good. Barney is a very capable fellow with a very distorted view of what's right and what's wrong"(Elvin, 1998). Along with the negative criticism directed at Representative Frank comes a great number of positive, uplifting compliments such as the following by Representative Henry Hyde: BARNEY FRANK: Truth, Lies, Privacy :: essays Papers BARNEY FRANK: Truth, Lies, Privacy Throughout his eighteen-year tenure in the United States House of Representatives, Representative Barney Frank has received all types of criticism and praise, ranging from derogatory statements pertaining to his sexual preferences, to outstanding compliments similar to the ones received by the great orators in the history of our country. Many of these comments surfaced during the recent impeachment trial for President Clinton, where Representative Frank dazzled and enraged many of his political colleagues with his unique "laser-sharp wit and quips" (Alvarez, 1998). Throughout his political career and most recently, the impeachment trial, Representative Frank freely voiced his opinion of the President and his actions with an almost invincible aura emanating with each comment. It is true that Representative Frank emerged as one of Clinton’s strongest defenders, but Representative Frank did not assume the typical role of a completely loyal and faithful supporter. Representative Frank made exhilarating arguments in defense of the President, and he publicly denounced the President’s actions just as quickly when he did not agree with them. By supporting the President in such a fashion, it is hard to imagine why Representative Frank was not constantly under attack, but rather still able to clearly state his opinions to an audience that was still very eager to listen. Of course like any other politician, Representative Frank has his allies and his enemies, yet he does not seem to weigh them as heavily as other politicians appear to. Enemies or simply people who do not necessarily see eye to eye with Representative Frank, have branded Frank as: "very intimidating, harassing, with an ability to use humor that enables him to win debate on tactics alone, rather than substance,"says Jones."His style reminds me of a petulant adolescent who has to have his own way. He's a stand-up comedian in congressional clothes, a very funny guy in the Don Rickles/Jackie Mason mold"(Elvin, 1998). Another one of Frank’s rivals, Howard Phillips of Conservative Caucus, who began debating with Frank in their undergraduate days at Harvard, stated that Representative Frank is: "a person of great energy, and great passion, for the wrong causes. God gave him extraordinary talent and he's using it for evil rather than for good. Barney is a very capable fellow with a very distorted view of what's right and what's wrong"(Elvin, 1998). Along with the negative criticism directed at Representative Frank comes a great number of positive, uplifting compliments such as the following by Representative Henry Hyde:
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