Monday, December 30, 2019
Why Plagiarism Is Important For Academic Integrity
What is the Role of Plagiarism in regards to Academic Integrity? Plagiarism, â€Å"the act of using another person s words or ideas without giving credit to that person: the act of plagiarizing something†(Merriam-Webster, 2017), is said to be reaching epidemic proportions (Park,2003). Throughout history, plagiarism has been an issue, however, the severity and the implications where not fully understood until the development of the printing press in the 17th century. Now in the age of information sharing, society has an obligation to consider where changing 21st century values fit within academic writing and whether there are any implications for standards regarding plagiarism. Plagiarism is a serious form of cheating as it essentially defines†¦show more content†¦Educators and students alike see the internet as a valuable source of information where they can present their findings and gain exposure and recognition. However, students see this presentation of work on a public forum as the author giving permission for their work to b e used to further the readers understanding of the issue and a basis for further research. As such, students and young researchers do not feel the need to reference the original author that their ideas have developed from. As a consequence of the current situation, experienced researchers and educators believe that the increasing incidences of plagiarism are violating their rights to their own ideas and are undermining the established values regarding academic integrity. Unfortunately, to the dismay of some educators, a 36-year study performed by Inglehart (2008) proposes that these values are not likely to change but rather become more prominent. Rather than follow along a path of values that drive educators to strive for recognition and success, younger generations, in particular those from western cultures, already believe that they have the necessary tools to achieve success, therefore preferring to aim for self-expression and self-understanding. These values do not require memb ers of the younger generation to feel the need to express recognition for a piece of work as they believe in a sense of community and to use this knowledge to obtain a greater understanding of theShow MoreRelatedWhy Academic Integrity Is Important For The Classroom Of Today s Society1343 Words  | 6 PagesAcademic Integrity is a value that many students, from high school to college, do not take serious; however, it should be taken more serious by these future scholars. Academics are a very important part of today society. Next we have Integrity, an aspect that I believe our society should value more. 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Academic dishonesty is, therefore, wrong in all forms and isRead MorePlagiarism And Academic Integrity : Plagiarism1305 Words  | 6 PagesPlagiarism is a topic that is consistently brought up in many areas of education.1 In every syllabus presented to students, there is a section that refers to plagiarism and academic integrity. Plagiarism can be defined as â€Å"the act or instance of stealing or passing off ideas or words of another as one’s own.†2 Despite this being an important piece of information; students may overlook this material and still plagiarize. In a study from the University of Toronto, 90% of senior pharmacy students admittedRead MoreThe Silent Harm of Plagiarism Essay1009 Words  | 5 Pagesmind when we think about plagiarism, many people may think of theft or the act of stealing intellectual property. According to Webster-Merriams’ dictionary, plagiarism is â€Å"the act stealing and passing off (the ideas and words of others) as one’s own†(Webster-Merriam). Webster seems to have left a little something out. Plagiarism is not just the act of stealing one’s work. It is also the result of ethical deterioration of academic integrity. In the discussion of plagiarism, a controversial issue isRead MorePlagiarism and the Deterioration of Ethical Values Essay1007 Words  | 5 PagesWhat comes to ones mind when we think about plagiarism, according to Webster-Merriams’ dictionary plagiarism is â€Å"the act stealing and passing off (the ideas and words of others) as ones own†(Webster-Merriam). Webster seems to have left a little something out, plagiarism is not just the act of stealing ones work, it is also the result of ethical deterioration of academic integrity. 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A few years ago, that would have been it: You would have passed in the paper late, if at all, and dealt with the consequences. But this is 2007, and so, in your most desperate hour, you try a desperate ploy. You log on to the internetÂ… enter term papers into the search engine, and find your way to There, youRead MoreAcademic Integrity : Types Of Academic Dishonesty And Prevention Methods1743 Words  | 7 Pages Academic Integrity: Types of academic dishonesty and prevention methods Chetan Muppaneni Webster University Academic Integrity: Types of academic dishonesty and prevention methods Abstract This paper discusses the different types of academic dishonesty and the prevention measures that are taken to maintain academic integrity. The need of following the codes/rules of the institutions and to promote the academic integrity is mainly on the students and the faculty. The paper discussesRead MorePlagiarism : An Ethical Issue1161 Words  | 5 Pages(â€Å"What Is Plagiarism?). When one plagiarizes, they use someone else’s work and present it as their own (â€Å"What Is Plagiarism?†). It’s a very serious offense and plagiarizing can result in serious academic offenses. Plagiarizing is easy to prevent if you familiarize yourself with how to cite properly. Plagiarizing is a very ethical issue for the fact that your copying someone’s work and not giving them the credit for it. According to Krishnamoorthy, website explains: Plagiarism is primarilyRead MoreThe Effects Of Plagiarism1143 Words  | 5 PagesPlagiarism hinders intellectual advancement. The problems of plagiarism have been discussed for hundreds of years. With technologies, plagiarism becomes a fairly common practice in recent years. Plagiarism is actually recognized as a dishonest act from the 18th century when the original literature takes on more value within society. Readers want to read new creations of ideas and words from writers instead of seeing them polish the writings that have already been emitted. Writers are able at this
Sunday, December 22, 2019
The Effects Of Effective Communication On Job Performance
When asked to write a reflective think piece describing a single communication issue as it pertains to the organization in which I work, the Employment Development Department, I decided to delve into the topic of effective communication, especially in regards to job expectations. I choose this particular aspect of communication because it is one of my divisions biggest complaints in regards to management or the lack there of, and I want to better understand how to avoid miscommunicating with fellow employee as well as management. Therefore, this paper will explore effective communication beginning with the basic meaning, examine some key elements of communication, take a brief look at a real world example of communication in the workplace, then gradually explore some solutions that might assist in overcoming this imperative issue. Understanding Communication In order to address issues of communication and how the topic effects job performance one must first begin with what is meant by effective communication, one must also consider why expectations are necessary. Communication not just the exchange of information, it also encompasses the emotion and intentions behind the information. In order for effective communication to take place both the sender and receiver of the message have to actively engage in the process. The process can be difficult as the sender must attempt to convey the message in a manner in which the receiver will understood it in the way that wasShow MoreRelatedPerformance Appraisals and Employee Performance1035 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿Performance Appraisals and Employee Performance: Performance appraisals are constantly viewed as burdensome tasks that employers would like to avoid despite understanding the significance of evaluating the performance of employees. 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This paper analyzes the team effectiveness of the IPO board using a list of 10 performance measures for evaluation, 3 quantitative and 7 qualitative, taken from various academic and industry sources. The paper also identifies a number of important dynamics which contribute to IPO’s success and offers suggestions to improve the orchestra’s board performance in a number of weak areas. Analysis A group is formed by having two or more freely interacting individuals andRead MoreMarketing Analysis : Issaquah Philharmonic Orchestra1546 Words  | 7 PagesIssaquah (â€Å"Issaquah Philharmonic Orchestra,†n.d.). This paper analyzes the team effectiveness of the IPO board using a list of 10 performance measures for evaluation, taken from various academic and industry sources. The paper also shows several important dynamics which contribute to IPO’s success and offers suggestions to improve the orchestra’s board performance in a few weak areas. 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When leaders are getting input form the employees, everyone is more engaged, and it has a positive effect on the psychological well-being of others (Rosnow, 2013). Another strategy option is effective communication. Communication enhancement improves the health of the organization because it produces increased financial performance, and employee engagement. Furthermore, communication plays a strong role in product development, customer relations, employee management and every facet in thisRead MoreTaking a Look at Emotional Intelligence1524 Words  | 6 PagesEmotional intelligence: Modern organizations are confronted with demands and pressure is growing consistently cost -effective education leadership, continues to intrigue researchers and practitioners. Considerable amount of research and attention to emotional intelligence and life, personality, social interaction, teamwork, education and leadership to identify links between social satisfactions has been paid. Today increasingly complex and changing world, researcher’s emphasized need for the new
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Types of Story Leads Free Essays
Lead Every news story begins with an introduction called the lead. This may be a single word, a phrase, a clause, a brief sentence, an entire paragraph or a series of paragraphs. The main functions of the lead, aside from introducing the news story, are to tell the story in capsule form and to answer right away the questions the reader would naturally ask. We will write a custom essay sample on Types of Story Leads or any similar topic only for you Order Now A good lead answers all the important questions of the reader, indicates the attendant circumstances if they are all important, and arouses the readers’ interest to continue reading the story. The lead is the beginning, the most important structural element of a story. Charnley (1966) stated that, â€Å"an effective lead is a brief, sharp statement of the story’s essential facts. †The lead is usually the first sentence, or in some cases the first two sentences, and is ideally 20-25 words in length. Leads should: * open with bright, interesting, colorful nouns and verbs be brief (often only 20-30 words) be, for the most part, one sentence in length be crisp and to the point effectively summarize the story â€Å"feature the feature†include attribution (the source) if needed for credibility ive the title for any person mentioned not include personal pronouns such as â€Å"we†and â€Å"you†not include reporter opinion Summary lead The typical lead is called a summary lead or straight summary lead, and it, of course, summarizes the story. The journalist must, therefore, write a clear, fairly short sentence that reveals all, telling the end result of the story. Someone should be able to read the lead and be informed about what happened without reading the rest of the story. A summary lead should answer as many of the 5W’s and H as possible: who, what, when, where, why and how. The 5 W’s and H provide the news writer with quick and convenient means of organizing the lead of a story. They also provide the framework or structure for organizing the lead of a story. This is one of the most common forms of hard news story. But, the question is that how do we decide what is most important and what should follow in descending order of importance? Here, we must use our own judgment. Some questions to ask: What will affect the readers the most? What questions does the lead raise that need to be answered immediately? What supporting quotes are strongest? Below are examples of leads which feature the various 5W’s H. The words that make up the â€Å"W†that is featured are in bold face type. | WHO lead Used when the person involved is more prominent than what he does or what happens to him. -Reckless drivers who don’t seem to be drunk may well be high on cocaine or marijuana, according to roadside tests that indicate drugs may rival alcohol as a hazard on the highway. -Monica Lewinsky, the former low-level aide at the center of the current White House investigation, is willing to submit to a polygraph examination in exchange for complete immunity from prosecution, her lawyer said Sunday. WHAT lead Used when the event or what took place is more important than the person involved in the story. -A pack of wild monkeys terrorized a seaside resort town south of Tokyo last week, attacking 30 people and sending eight of them to the hospital with bites. (This also co-features the who. ) -A Soyus spacecraft docked flawlessly with the Mir space station Saturday, bringing a fresh crew of two Russian cosmonauts and a Frenchman to the orbiting outpost  along with a bottle of French wine. WHY lead Used when the reason is more prominent or unique than what happens. With more amateurs cutting wood for use as an alternative to high-priced heating oil, hospitals are coping with an increasing number of injuries due to chain-saw accidents, reported the American College of Surgeons. WHERE lead Used when the place is unique and no prominent person is involved. -Red China will be the site of the next International Film Festival. WHEN lead Rarely used as the reader presumes the stor y to be timely. However, this lead is useful when speaking of deadlines, holidays and important dates. -Today, almost to the hour, the Revolutionary Government was proclaimed by President Corazon Aquino. HOW lead Used when the manner, mode, means, or method of achieving the story is unnatural way. -Louisiana-Pacific Corp. plans to sell seven out-of-state lumber mills and expand production at 17 others in order to boost output by up to 40 percent. (The how in this lead is also the what. ) Novelty leads Novelty leads differ from summary leads in that they make no attempt to answer all of the five Ws and the H. As the name implies novelty leads are novel. They  use  different  writing  approaches  to  present different  news  situations  to  attract  the  reader’s  attention and  arouse  curiosity. Type of Novelty Lead| Example| CONTRAST: The contrast lead compares two opposite extremes, generally dramatize a story. The comparisons most frequently used are tragedy with comedy, age with youth, the past with the present and the beautiful with the ugly. | In 1914, the United States entered the First World War with a Navy of 4,376 officers, 68,680 men, 54 airplanes, one airship, three balloons and one air station. Today, there are more than 500,000 active duty officers and enlisted personnel, 475 ships and 8,260 aircraft in our Navy. PICTURE: The picture lead draws a vivid word of the person or thing in the story. I t allows the reader to see the person or thing as you saw it. | Thin and unshaven , his clothes drooping from his body like rags on a scarecrow, Frank Brown, USN, today told naval authorities about six-week ordeal in an open rubber boat in the South China Sea. The new principal, although only at his early thirties, is already silver-haired. He seldom talks, but when he does, he talks with sense. | FREAK: The freak lead is the most novel of the novelty leads. As the name implies, the freak lead employs a play on words, alliteration, poetry or an unusual typographical arrangement to introduce the facts in the story and to attract the reader’s attention. | For sale: One guided missile destroyer. The Navy is thinking about inserting this advertisement. †¦ $ammy $mith, who i$ just $even, wa$ digging in the $and at $amsons beach today and gue$$ what he found? | BACKGROUND: The background lead is similar to a picture lead, except for one important difference. It draws a vivid word picture of the news setting, surroundings or circumstances. High seas, strong winds and heavy overcast provided the setting for a dramatic mission of mercy in the North Atlantic on the first day of the new year. The PNC campus was turned into a miniature carnival ground Sept. 1 during the 85th F-Day celebration of the College. Decorated with buntings and multi-colored lights, the college quadrangle was a grand setting for a barrio fiesta. | PUNCH: The punc h lead consists of a blunt, explosive statement designed to surprise or jolt the reader. | The president is dead. Friday the 13th is over, but the casualty list is still growing. Victory Day! Magsaysay High School celebrated March 18 its 5th victory in the city-wide journalism contests. | QUESTION: The question lead features a pertinent query that arouses the readers’ curiosity and makes them want to read the body of the story for answers. Phrase this lead as a rhetorical question. | How does pay in the Navy compare with civilian wagers? Has the space age affected the role of the Navy? | QUOTATION: The quotation lead features a short, eye catching quote or remark, usually set in quotation marks. A quote lead should be used only when it is so important or remarkable that it overshadows the other facts in the story. | â€Å"You really don’t know what freedom is until you have had to escape from Communist captivity, †says Bob Denglar, a former Navy lieutenant and an escape from a Viet Cong prison camp. â€Å"The youth in the New Republic have become partners of the government in its struggle for progress and advancement,†thus spoke PNC Dean of Instruction Rebecca D. Alcantara to some 400 student delegates to the 1998 Hi-Y-H-teens Leadership Training Seminar held Dec. 6-39 at the College Auditorium. | DIRECT ADDRESS: The direct address lead is aimed directly at the readers and makes them collaborators with facts in the story. It usually employs the pronouns â€Å"you†and â€Å"your. †| Your pay will increase by ten percent next month. You can receive a college education Navy expense if you qualify under a new program announced this week. | References : http://journalism20. nuvvo. com/lesson/7587-lead-of-a-news-story www. angelfire. com http://photographytraining. tpub. com How to cite Types of Story Leads, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Alexander Pope Essay Example For Students
Alexander Pope Essay The differences between eighteenth-century literature and romantic poems,with respect to history is constituted here. This is seen through theinfluential works of John Keats and Alexander Pope. These works areacknowledged as, The Rape of Lock and The Eve of St. Agnes. Alexander Popetakes his readers on a hatred filled epic. A robust piece of literature andlove induced psychoses in, The Rape of Lock. On the other hand, The Eve ofSt. Agnes told a tale of life, love, death, and eternal fate in heaven. Thesetwo brilliant writers have given two magnificent poems. Pope exhibits manycharacteristics of a narcissistic human being. His independence in life showsthrough his writings in fiction. Which inevitably portray his deeper feelingsof life. Popes efforts here are of outstanding quality. However, his poem didfail to convince Arabella to rsum her engagement to Lord Petre. Most ofPopes efforts here were written with time. Now, Keats has romanticallyserenaded his reader with descriptive lust and desire, which can be comparedwith popes efforts by the difference in eighteenth century literature andromantic poems, their descriptive natures and ideas they portray to the readerthrough their writing. Pope has written an eighteenth-century poem which he calls, An Hero-Comical Poem. This poem has exalted an over all sense of worthlessness forcommon rules. The mentioning of Achilles and the ever-popular Aeneas, aresymbols of Popes Gothic style. Pope speaks (almost) G-D like throughout, TheRape of Lock. Contrary to Keats, who is more down-to-earth with his sense ofrealism in his writings. In the beginning of Keats romantic premise to life inSt. Agnes, all is cold. The opening sequence brings a sense of realism to thisbitter cold scene. Cold owls, rabbits, and numb fingers on a holy, Beadsman. The Beads man symbolizes the sense of age and spirit. Much of this poemis a test of Keats inner soul or spirit. He has lead himself to St. Agnes forhis own personal account of life in a time long gone. Keats romantic style hasbrought visionary raw emotion to the aching hearts of all his readers. Then,both poems go separate ways in their tales of body and spirit. Taking account of all differences in these two works, has brought out asense of unknown extasy. Pope displays morality with his own twists on fate andman kinds inability to rationalize right decision making in life. Hecomplicates this with, Moral superiority and his visions of old stylesblended with his attitude for recognition. Pope has indulged the reader inconsistent religious order, and awkward justice for mankind. However, whenviewing Keats poem stanza by stanza, much is revealed. Keats tale starts as adirect eagerness for future considerations. His image of love and old agecreates a stifled knot in the stomach of the reader. Enthusiastic resistance isovercome by Keats smooth flow, and harmonizing beauty in heaven. Angels anddeath are brought together like osmosis. His ability to start off in a coldbitter atmosphere of regret, and then sway the readers emotion to a peacefulloving atmosphere is in itself astonishing. Desire brings Keats to theheightened point of emotional gratifi cation within, The Eve of St. Agnes. St. Agnes is such a peaceful age-old memory for Keats. He presents strength whenpain is being inflicted. His early images of purgatory, show Keats in a bind ofhuman emotion and regret for past sins. However, Pope does thisas wellthroughout, The Rape of Lock. Although, Pope is less likely to find a happymedium in his tale of tolerance. He does manage to relinquish all his desiresfor the sake of his own inner strength. This strength is portrayed moreintensely through his soul. Memories are key to the anguish of the poem. Inall of Keats mediocre issues come love and honor. The entire tenth stanza iscaused by the emotions involved with love. However, this must leave somereaders at a loss. Keats doesnt seem to really care whether anybodyunderstands him. Keats only concern is to repent and achieve harmony in lifewith his body and soul. Each of these two poets has signified their lack ofrealism with a substantial concern for age-old myth, and undeniable love. Theportrayal of love in each poem h as brought most of the emotional satisfactionfrom the reader. Hence, having observed these two magnificent artists for theirpersonal adherence to the reader, it is necessary to delve into the emotionalcollaboration of imagery and its effect on the mind, body, and soul of the twosides involved in each reading. .u00c4084afdd944cee2698b434cef56c8 , .u00c4084afdd944cee2698b434cef56c8 .postImageUrl , .u00c4084afdd944cee2698b434cef56c8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u00c4084afdd944cee2698b434cef56c8 , .u00c4084afdd944cee2698b434cef56c8:hover , .u00c4084afdd944cee2698b434cef56c8:visited , .u00c4084afdd944cee2698b434cef56c8:active { border:0!important; } .u00c4084afdd944cee2698b434cef56c8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u00c4084afdd944cee2698b434cef56c8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u00c4084afdd944cee2698b434cef56c8:active , .u00c4084afdd944cee2698b434cef56c8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u00c4084afdd944cee2698b434cef56c8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u00c4084afdd944cee2698b434cef56c8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u00c4084afdd944cee2698b434cef56c8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u00c4084afdd944cee2698b434cef56c8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u00c4084afdd944cee2698b434cef56c8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u00c4084afdd944cee2698b434cef56c8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u00c4084afdd944cee2698b434cef56c8 .u00c4084afdd944cee2698b434cef56c8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u00c4084afdd944cee2698b434cef56c8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Teen Suicide (sociological) EssayImagery can sustain many possible contradictions on the writersintentions. For instance, Keats hides his characters(Porphro and Madeline) inorder to present a more lustful in-depth love. Safety is a key to Keatsprolific attitude on the secrecy of a womans virginity. A wholesome outlook isalways in the future, it would seem. However, this outlook is never reachedthroughout the poem. In comparison with Pope, Keats has distinguished himselfin his writing. Pope relies on old myths and obscure legends in order toachieve his outcome of clarity. Each writer has their own hero of the day. Ineach writers mind is the idea that one can be g-d through their own scripture. Each must be excused for not always being able to know what is still real andwhat is fiction in life. Their expensive minds have brought their own personaltruth to light. Can they hear the crying of their love sick pasts? In classicstyle, Pope has brought dreams to reality. While Keats has more realisticallyattended to his personal experiences. In addition to women, love, g-d, sex,soul, mind, and body, Keats and Pope have taken different outlooks on manysimilar issues. Keats has given the reader a more intense feeling of desire andlust, then Pope. However, when myth and love collide Alexander Pope hasanswered with his tale of g-ds, angels and afterlife. As an empiricalnarcissistic person, I have romanticized about the romances Keats has described. His inner thoughts are more clear, then those of Pope. Additionally, Pope ismore morbid and in a way sour about his shortcomings in life. Which areexpressed significantly in many of Popes images. For instance, poetic eyesis used by Pope on line 124. This image can be expressed as a better way forthe reader to see that life imitates art! Now, viewing both works in detail hasbrought out an arousal of insecurity and misunderstood quality. However, eachhas distinguished its own identity by its style. Referring back to the comparison of Pope and Keats styles can be quitean enhancement upon the cerebral context in each poem. Pope has strictlyconcerned himself with literary merit, and ghostly apparitions of old tales thathaunt all writers of the possibility for brilliance. Keats however, has stakedhis claim as a romantic idealist of love and thought. Mind, body and soul arekey factors in both of these works. Heaven is portrayed as a savior to man, andan unforsaken goal for others. Spirituality reigns deep within the hearts ofboth Keats and Pope. Consequence is not an issue, but the ability to repentthrough words of wisdom is. This is what keeps Keats and Pope sane(As well asmany other writers, including myself). With wisdom comes age, and with desirecomes lust. Therefore, romantic poets need to be preserved for their tremendousability to stretch the common ability to comprehend all of lifes trials andtribulations as seen here in all its glory! Category: English
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